Quito, besides being the capital of Ecuador, is also the capital of the province, Pichincha, named after the mountain. We took in a lot of views of the city from up here. Quito is so large, sprawling a significant distance north to south. We were able to spot the building where our center is. That was fun. We did a little exploring. CAUTION: If you are a parent, this might be disturbing. Hehehe.
Okay, so you probably can't see it that well, but that green sign on the wooden post says "Prohibido el paso" (you're not supposed to go there). But we lifted up the barbed wire fence and squeezed through for a great view of Quito. The guy going through in this picture is one of the IES staff members. :-)
On Saturday we went to the Old Town or "el centro". There was a celebration and lots of museums were free because the independence of Quito was Sunday. There were many people there, and it was very interesting and very crowded. I saw a beautiful church and some other historic places. We saw the place where the president works. Here is one of the guards:
I don't know if they are supposed to be serious all the time or anything, but I didn't want to take any chances. I left them alone.
That's about it. All is well here still. Just one more thing. This is for you dad! I saw it at this cafe, Vista Hermosa:
You should have pestered the guards just in case...like at Buckingham Palace. It would be funny.
Be careful of barbed wire! It looks like the hat is coming in handy!
I want you to climb that volcano. I mean it.
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