This is a fruit. It is called a granadilla I think. It is super weird but awesome. You eat that weird greyish goo on the right. The seeds are in there, and some other goop. Once you get past the fact that it looks really odd, its very tasty. Yum. I ate a lot of them in the amazon.

Here I am in front of the Virgen del panecillo. It's a statue of a virgen. It's on a hill in the south of Quito, and you can see it from pretty far away. The statue is pretty random, but it's kind of cool.

This is me on a grumpy day. I just woke up this way. Felt a little ill. But I'm better now.
Okay, no. This picture is from Halloween. I was Morticia from the Addams family. I was going to be an Ecuadorian soccer player, but my friend's host family decided I should be something more elaborate. So this is what I ended up as. It was pretty fun.

I know I've told some of you about how there are vendors who sell stuff on buses here. I decided it would be fun to buy everything they offered on the bus for one day. This is what I ended up with: Three packs of assorted candies, a notecard with looney toons on it, cookies, and chifles (chips made from plantains.) There were a couple things I didn't get: a newspaper and some other food that was really large and would get crushed in my backpack. It was kind of a fun experiment. Anyway, that's about enough randomness for now. Have a great weekend!!