I know it's been a while since I've posted, but here's a quick overview of the Amazon. We went to a place called Tiputini, where they do a lot of research and such. It took a long time to get there. We had to go on two motorized canoes. Here I am on one.

We finally got there, and it was pretty neat. It's very beautiful. Everything is so green! I was surprised by the temperature. It wasn't nearly as hot as I thought it would be. The trees provide a lot of shade, so that keeps the temp down. It was extremely humid though. You hardly had to move before you were dripping with sweat.

We saw monkeys, huge spiders, frogs, strange insects, and birds. It was neat. There were a lot of large trees. Here I am being a "mujer de la selva" (woman of the jungle) hiding bein

I didn't think I would swim because there is a lot of scary stuff in the water. Piranhas live there, and anacondas, and a whole ton of parasites and stuff. But I did it. The water in the river Tiputini is very cloudy. It looks brown, and you can't see more than a foot down. That's kind of good because then I couldn't see what weird creatures were swimming below me. But it's also a little scary. I just tried not to touch the bottom. Here I am swimming. I think that's me on the left. It was a nice trip, if a little short.

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